

There are many books from different discipline and subjects in the Library. Besides physical resources, you can find online journal, magazine articles and ebooks too. The Librarian shall assist you to develop your information skills more efficiently. Our Library facilities also provide a conducive study environment to suit different study needs.

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Login to Library's E-Resources portal

Video by TSAM Library.

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One Search - find all resources available

Video by TSAM Library.


Citation - a passage or phrase quoted within your text which is supported with evidence of its source.

References - an organized listing of the works that you have read and specifically referred to (cited) in your assignment, placed at the end of the document.

Bibliography - a list of everything you read in preparation for writing an assignment.

Citation styles -

  1. Harvard
  2. APA Style
  3. IEEE Engineering

Useful Video Tutorials for Guidance and Reference

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How to use EndNote in 5 Minutes: Windows

EndNote is software which helps you to organise your references and to automatically format citations, reference lists and bibliographies in Word.

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Articles, Journals and Databases: What's the difference?

Video produced by the McLaughlin Library, University of Guelph, Canada.