Starting Your Research


  • Set a clear goal, such as submission date, type of submission etc.
  • Strategize where to publish/what conference to attend. Discuss with senior researchers if necessary.
  • Author's list - collaboration internal/external, other countries, across disciplines.
  • eBooks on Research Writing - find it from the Proquest eBook platform (login with Blackboard credentials).

Related e-book:

Maximising the Impacts of Your Research: A Handbook for Social Scientists.
Free handbook, publish by the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) blog.


  • Standardize your name entry, format and initials on every output.
  • Always use "INTI International University" as a standard for affiliation.
  • University email "".
  • Submit paper with ORCID iD.


  • Abstract.

Imagine being asked, "So what is this paper all about and why should I read it?

  • Keywords.

Think of keywords/phrases audience might search for. Use Scopus to sample what articles are selected based on your proposed article title. Repeatedly use the keyword in the abstract will help to make your paper more discoverable by search engines.

  • Introduction.

Brief and precise, describing the issue, current solutions, knowledge gaps, objectives and novelty of the research.

  • Literature review.

Specific and concise, taking into account of all necessary background of research. In journal paper publication, literature review is often merged with introduction.

  • Theoretical framework.

Further detailing on the work presented and advances previous studies; what its unique contribution is. Can be merged with literature review or to be mentioned in introduction for journal paper publication.

  • Methodology.

Detailing on how any data were generated, using what specific techniques. This section has to be specific, precise, with information stated in chronological order.

  • Analysis.

This section describe how the data generated and presented in a meaningful way. This section is often stated under Results and Discussion in journal publication.

  • Discussions.

Crucial part of a paper as it folds together the previous sections and makes the case for the argument developed.

  • Conclusion.

Summarizing the rationale and findings.

  • References.

Complete, accurate and correctly formatted listing of references referred to or cited in the paper.

Related e-book;

Kitchin, R, & Fuller, D 2005, The Academic's Guide to Publishing, SAGE Publications, London. Available from: ProQuest Ebook Central.


